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Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location", "http://www.omegamachine.com/db/Transmission-engine-teardown-benches.asp"
Teardown Benches
2949 Promenade St. Ste 100
West Sacramento CA. 95691
916 372 6001
These are professional teardown and assembly benches. They
are not your typical flexy flyer bench. They are the standard of the industry.
You will not be disappointed with the quality and materials used in the construction
of this bench. We have had people fight over who gets to use this bench in
shops where there is only one.
If you need one constructed for a unique situation, we're
at your service!
- 10 Gauge top, just over 1/8 thick.
- Work surface measures 6 feet wide by 3 feet deep.
- Front edge is 34 high; back edge is 33 high for drain.
- Back edge is full length drain tray, 3 wide.
- Center drain is threaded for 1-1/2 pipe.
- Bench legs bolt on for ease of shipping. Legs are 3 angle.
Transmission teardown bench, disassembled for shipping
Bolt together construction for ease of shipping.
- Drain can be placed to one end for your application.
- Dead Top significantly reduces bench noise while working.
is bolted to underside surface. You will love the dead top!
- Bench can be made in 6 and 8 ft. lengths. Call for price and availability.
- Local delivery can be arranged within 50 miles of Sacramento.
- Standard benches are in stock (most of the time)
Attention Transmission
and Engine Rebuilders.